Friday, January 5, 2018

Character Day 2018

Students received the information below before the winter break :)

3rd grade has read biographies in class and learned about sequence, theme, character traits, and timelines. Thus, they will be creating mini projects and presenting what they have learned on January 17, 2018 (Character Day).

Mustafa- Christopher Columbus
Randa- Helen Keller
Salih- Abraham Lincoln

Students will be expected to do the following:
Personality trait mobile (will be done in class)
20 points
Students will come up with 4 traits that describe their person with evidence from the text.
Theme booklet
(will be done in class)
20 points
Students will identify 2 lessons they learned from the lives of their chosen person. For example, don’t give up on your dreams, work hard, treat everyone with respect, etc.  
Dressing up on Character Day
30 points
Students MUST come dressed up as their person. Dress up, make props, etc. so others will have a good idea of who you are representing. For example, make a stovepipe hat and beard for Abraham Lincoln, a braille book for Helen Keller, and a hat similar to Columbus’s.
Oral presentation on the stage (on January 17, 2018)
30 points
Students will prepare an index card with a few facts to share. A short oral presentation will be done by each student.

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